National Summit 

July 25-27, 2024

Charlotte, NC

A gathering for collegiate & young adult communities and movements who are longing for revival and renewal on their campuses and in their cities.


Although genuine spiritual awakening is properly identified by God's activity amongst men, He graciously invites us to participate in the renewal of our cities and campuses. We cannot manufacture awakening, but we can sow into it. The things that proceed historic revival and spiritual awakening are often inconspicuous and seemingly unimpressive to the natural eye. One person or a small group of people consecrating themselves to the Lord, times of confession and repentance, secret fasting, tears shed for the lost in our communities, consistent prayer meetings, and renewed evangelistic fervor all represent seeds of awakening.

This summer we are inviting young people to sow into the purposes of God for their generation.


  • Corey Russell

    Speaker, Prayer Leader, and Teaching Pastor at House Denver

  • Faith Cho

    Speaker, Author, and Co-Pastor at Mosaic Covenant Church

  • Justin Giboney

    Co-Founder of AND Campaign, Attorney, and Political Strategist

  • Zach Meerkreebs

    Writer, Speaker, and Pastor at Asbury University

  • Cas Monaco

    VP of Missiology & Gospel Engagement at FamilyLife®, CRU

  • Dr. Michael Brown

    Author, Speaker, and Apologist

  • Keithen Schwahn

    Pastor of YTH.NYC & College.NYC at Church of the City New York

  • Charles Holmes

    HBCU Director at The Summit Church

  • Skyler Farley

    Evangelist, VP of Campus Movement at Ignite Movement

  • Daniel & Sherei Jackson

    Church Planters, VP of Church Movement at Ignite Movement

  • Niko Peele

    Executive Director at Ignite Movement

  • Ignite Music

    Ignite Movement Worship Collective Community

Why We Gather?

  • We gather to exalt Jesus over our generation, university campuses, and cities.

  • It’s easy to get lost in the crowd in today’s attractional and curated conference environments. We intentionally build our gatherings in a way to cultivate meaningful connections for people across different cities, states, campuses, and communities.

  • We believe God is not only raising up Gospel-shaped individuals who are going to make a meaningful impact in the world. He is raising up powerful communities who are going to change the world. We believe Christian community is God’s vehicle for awakening and renewal on our college campuses and in our cities. Our desire is to see communities strengthened with fresh vision and faith for their community, campus, city, and generation. Imagine the implications of hearts collectively marked — this is our prayer.

  • God is at work in our generation! We believe He invites each us to join in what He is doing by inviting renewal/revival into our hearts and contexts. As we gather, our prayer is that a fresh move of God’s Spirit would catalyze resilient faith in our hearts that would impact our generation and future generations to come.

Gathering Details

Join college students and young adults from across the East Coast for a 3 day gathering of community, worship, and teaching.

New Song Church
10308 Bailey Road
Cornelius, NC, 28031


We are excited to connect and worship with you! Check out the schedule below to know what to expect.

  • 6:00 PM

    Doors Open


    Pre-Gathering Hangout

    7:00 PM

    Evening Session

  • 8:30 AM

    Prayer Room

    9:30 AM

    Morning Session

    12:00 PM

    Lunch on Your Own
    Ministry Leaders Roundtable Lunch

    2:00 PM

    Breakout Session

    3:00 PM


    3:15 PM

    Breakout Session

    4:30 PM

    Dinner Together

    7:00 PM

    Evening Session

    9:30 PM

    Late Night Hangout (Optional)

  • 8:30 AM

    Prayer Room

    9:30 AM

    Morning Session

    12:00 PM

    Lunch on Your Own
    Worship & Music Creative Connect Lunch

    2:00 PM

    Breakout Sessions

    3:00 PM


    3:15 PM

    Main Session - Panel Conversation

    4:30 PM

    Break & Dinner on Your Own

    7:00 PM

    Closing Session

Church Movement Track

A Track for Pastors & Church Planters

A relational gathering of connection, friendship, shared discovery, and strategic conversations around The Future of the Church, Renewal, and Leading in a Post-Modern Context.

Leaders Connect Lunch

A Connect Lunch for Ministry Leaders

Connect and build new relationships with other ministry leaders Friday, July 26 during our Leaders Connect Lunch. We’ll hear from some of our guest speakers on the topics of Empowered Leadership and Building Communities of Encounter followed by roundtable discussions.

Creatives Connect Lunch

A Connect Lunch for Singers, Songwriters, Musicians, & Creatives

Join worship & music creatives for a connect lunch Saturday, July 26. This will be a time to build community, collaborate, and be mutually encouraged by other creatives.

Breakout Sessions

  • Gospel Conversations Reimagined: A Reverse Workshop
    Cas Monaco, VP of Missiology at Family Life & CRU

    Friday, July 26 / 2:00pm

    Join us as we interact together around how to engage in meaningful gospel conversations. We’ll consider three core longings, five behavior changes, and begin to identify our own three-statement-stories or micro-testimonies.

  • Waiting & Dating: Practicing Holiness in our Relationships
    Carole Ann Peele, Ignite Movement

    Friday, July 26 / 2:00pm

    Whether you are in a season of waiting or dating how do we rightly honor God and others in our relationships - interactions, conversation, and thoughts? How do we battle against sexual temptation? How do we heal from sexual brokenness? How can we live intentionally in readying ourselves for the sacrificial love of marriage? In this breakout we’ll explore Gospel foundations to help us see God, ourselves, and other’s rightly and practical ways we can practice Holiness in seasons of waiting & dating.

  • Stewarding Worship
    Lillie Shkavritko, Ignite Music

    Friday, July 26 / 2:00pm

  • Loving Others Through Spiritual Gifts
    Joey Schwartz, Mission Community Church 

    Friday, July 26 / 3:15pm

    Jesus has given you a spiritual gift. Are you using it for his glory? Even though the Bible tells us to practice and progress in our gift, many believers hide their gift out of fear, confusion, and uncertainty. In this breakout session, learn how to know and grow in your spiritual gift—and how to help others do the same.

  • Community Practices: Doing the Jesus Stuff Together
    Student Panel facilitated by Regin Larson, Ignite APP State Campus Director

    Friday, July 26 / 3:15pm

    Our DNA at Ignite is rooted in participating in the values of Jesus expressed through prayer, evangelism, and discipleship. But what does this look like practically? How do we get started?

    The Great Commission is meant to be fulfilled in the context of COMMUNITY! During this panel you’ll have the opportunity to hear from students who are doing the Jesus things in community and what their experiences has been like. Our hope is that you would be equipped & inspired to carry these rhythms back to your campus or community to reach this generation through doing the Jesus things TOGETHER.

  • Becoming a Willing Vessel
    Zack Meerkreebs, Asbury University City Movement RDU 

    Saturday, July 27 / 2:00pm

    How do we create and steward a space, possibly our hearts, in a way ready for God to move among us? God is not stingy, not holding back His glory and power, but is a good and wise Father that is looking for people and places that can steward encounter. Let's explore, wrestle with, and pray that He might see you and I, our ministries and most importantly our hearts, as a place that He can descend upon us.

  • How to Read the Bible
    Skyler Farley, Ignite Movement 

    Saturday, July 27 / 2:00pm

    What habits do we need to develop in order to hear the Bible on its own terms? How do we walk away from the Bible shaped by its message? And how do we move from reading an ancient text to living an authentically Christian life in a modern world? Exploring these questions is crucial for our personal apprenticeship to Jesus and our role in discipling the next generation.

  • Glorifying God in the Workplace
    Justin Creasman, City Movement RDU 

    Saturday, July 27 / 2:00pm

    Do you feel called to the Marketplace or currently work in the Marketplace and you are wondering how you can make an impact for the Kingdom? With our time together we will look at ways you can Glorify God and bring Spiritual Awakening to your Workplace. In our Nation, we are seeing Humanism, Intellectualism, and Apathy on the rise. My passion is seeing Generations living out the Gospel and proclaiming the Gospel in the Marketplace. Your Workplace is only a Workplace until you make it a Mission Field!

Hotels & Local Attractions

Recommended Hotels

Aloft Mooresville
109 Alcove Rd,
Mooresville, NC 28117
Click here for discount link.

Springhill Suite by Marriot
13610 Reese Blvd West
Huntersville, NC 28-78

Fun Things to Do in Charlotte

Billy Graham Library
4330 Westmont Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28217

300 Carowinds Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 2827

Whitewater Center
5000 Whitewater Center Parkway
Charlotte, NC 28214


For additional questions or assistance reach out to us at

  • The National Summit is designed for next-gen communities and movements. This includes campus ministries, Church-based college/ young adult ministries, and next-gen city movement expressions.

  • The National Summit is hosted by Ignite Movement. Ignite Movement is a family movement committed to seeing college campuses and cities transformed by the reality of the Gospel.

  • Unfortunately, childcare will not be provided.

  • Tickets are not refundable but they are transferable! If you want to give away your ticket to a friend, email us at

  • The National Summit is a in-person only gathering.

  • We do not offer day or session passes.